Interested Applicants for VFW National Home Board of Trustees
Hello –
Enclosed below (and additionally attached as a message) to this email are the requirements for the Board of Trustees open position for District #1, including Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, of which you represent. Please make readily available to all VFW and VFW Auxiliary members that may benefit from this information. Additional questions or clarifications may be directed to the VFW National Home Chief of Staff, Lynn Bloomer at either 517-663-7023 or
Please note that the April 29, 2025, at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time deadline will be held in strict compliance and all documentation needs to be submitted at the same time for consideration.
Thank you in advance for your continued help in supporting the National Home!
VFW National Home
Board of Trustee Election 2025
Candidate Qualifications and Guidelines
District 1 (Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island)
VFW National Home District Trustees hold a vital and prestigious position with a mandate to oversee, guide, promote and support the VFW National Home. The newly elected District 1 Trustee will serve with 11 other elected National Home District Trustees and 7 ex-officio Trustees that include the VFW Commander-in-Chief, the Adjutant General, the Quartermaster General, the National President, the National Secretary/Treasurer and the MOC/MOCA Supreme Commander and President.
VFW and VFW Auxiliary members seeking candidacy must meet the following requirements:
All interested candidate packages to run forDistrict 1 Trustee of the VFW National Home Board of Trustees shall be submitted on or beforeApril 29, 2025 to the attention of the Executive Director of the VFW National Home via the link contained here
The written nominationmust include the following requirements:
The candidate elected as the Home’s District 1 Trustee will serve a six-year term and will travel to the National Home to attend the October 2025 board meetings beginning with a New Trustee Orientation on Wednesday, October 22nd, Professional Development on Thursday October 23rd, Board Meeting on Friday, October 24thand the Annual Meeting of the Life Members, Saturday, October 25th . Tuesday, October 21st and Saturday/Sunday, October 25/26th are travel days. The VFW National Home Board of Trustees meets up to 3 times annually.
Thank You!
Lynn Bloomer
Chief of Staff
VFW National Home