Medal of Honor Action Place: Forts Jackson & St. Philip and New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Captain of the foretop, and a volunteer from the Colorado, McLeod served on board the U.S.S. Pensacola during the attack on Forts Jackson and St. Philip and the taking of New Orleans, 24 and 25 April 1862. Acting as gun captain of the rifled howitzer aft, which was much exposed, he served this piece with great ability and activity, although no officer superintended it.
Additional Details
Accredited to: Maine
Awarded Posthumously: No
Presentation Date & Details: May 1863
While on board the USS Ino.
Born: 1836, Scotland
Died: June 5, 1898, Brooklyn, NY, US
Buried: Cypress Hills National Cemetery (reinterred from US Naval Station Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY in 1932), Brooklyn, NY, US