Medal of Honor Action Place: Fort Fisher, North Carolina, USA
On board the U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba during the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865. When the landing party to which he was attached charged on the fort with a cheer and the determination to plant the colors on the ramparts, Savage remained steadfast when more than two-thirds of the marines and sailors fell back in panic during the fight. When enemy fire shot away the flagstaff above his hand, he bravery seized the remainder of the staff and brought his colors safely off.
Additional Details
Accredited to: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
Awarded Posthumously: No
Born: 1846, Anson, Somerset County, ME, United States
Died: February 1882, Lost at sea, Atlantic Ocean
Buried: Lost at Sea (Atlantic Ocean)
Location of Medal: Naval Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC